Inktober 2023 – Day 12: Read it First, Coraline

Coraline is my favourite autumn/spooky cosy film, but I had the graphic novel before the adaptation was made. It was even creepier than the film honestly. But the soundtrack is one of my favourites and the perfect background to a misty autumn walk.

Throwback Thursday

This week’s throwback is from Inktober 2017. The prompt was “shattered” and I still think this is a pretty accurate representation. Scheduling these Throwback Thursdays makes me miss the variety of mediums I used to use. That’s the only downside to having a small business on the go, it’s hard to take the time toContinueContinue reading “Throwback Thursday”

IpadArtChallenge Day 12

In 2020 I realised I am way more of a perfectionist than I thought I was. The solution to that is to churn out as many happy digital birds as possible. Day 8: A Kindly Kingfisher. I’m posting them over on my Instagram first (@artjmtinsta) so you can follow along there.